Interactive Presentations: The Three Zoom Tools of PowerPoint
About this lesson
Learn Everything about the PowerPoint three zoom tools. The deep dive tutorial covers the differences between Summary Zoom, Section Zoom, and Slide Zoom. And how to build them from scratch in both Windows and Apple macOS versions of PowerPoint.
We explain the difference between Windows and Apple PowerPoint and some subtle concepts of automatically added sections, grayed out SECTION ZOOM, two ways to use Insert Slide Zoom, and much more.
00:00 Intro
01:09 Which Versions Does Zoom Work on
01:50 Preview Project
02:05 The Three Types of Zoom Tools
02:15 The Summary Zoom
04:30 Building a Summary Project from Scratch
05:30 Why Section Zoom is Grayed Out
06:03 The macOS Difference with Zoom
06:50 Why the Last Zoom Does NOT Return
07:24 Zoom Tool Creates Sections, Automatically!
08:05 Why the Last Zoom Does NOT Return – Part Two – The Fix
08:26 Adding a New Section
09:02 Full Control of Zoom Objects
09:45 Applying Zoom Styles
10:50 Stopping the Zoom Transition Effect
11:19 Pro Trick: Use a Different Transition Effect
11:34 Zoom Transition Speed and Duration
12:23 Reset Layout After Adding Slides
12:40 Zoom Boundary – Why Zoom Slides Won’t Move
13:01 Why Not All Slides are Available in Summary Zoom
14:42 Change Thumbnail Image
15:17 Removing Thumbnail Border
15:55 Zoom Background On and Off
16:15 In Reality there are ONLY TWO ZOOM TOOLS!
16:53 Project: Insert Zoom Tool from Scratch
17:00 Creating a Quiz – Multiple Choice and True and False
18:17 Second Method To Create an Insert Slide – THE FAST WAY
19:45 Creating a Hidden “Footnote” Side
20:46 Preview of the Special Interactive Zoom Slide
21:34 The Wrap-Up
Subject Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Compatibility PowerPoint 2019 and Office 365 for both Windows and macOS
Course Completed
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The first two decades of PowerPoint, it was stuck on a linear slide, after slide, after slide path. Once you got started, you were pretty much trapped in a narrow passageway BUT with PowerPoint 2019. Microsoft gave us the ability to interact, by jumping from slide to slide based on the demands of the moment and be able to work both within windows and macOS. Hi, this is Les from Power UP Training where I share my decades of experience with you for free. The power of zoom tool makes it easy. Create interactive hotspots in your slide, the hyper jump to different spots in your presentation as the situation arises, but Microsoft does confuse matters with three different zoom tools and in our classic style, Power UP Training in-depth tutorial, we cover all you need to know about the summary, zoom, the section zoom and the slide zoom. So buckle in and let’s go power up all about PowerPoint, zoom tool.
Lets do it. As we get a slide sorter view of an existing 34 page slide deck for your introduction to the cool zoom tool. I want to point out that I’m working in the latest office 365 on a windows computer. This tool was introduced with PowerPoint 2019. So it will not work with earlier versions, but it will work with a macOS office 365 version with one small keyboard difference. And that I’ll point out along the way, know that you can open up a zoom, created a slide deck on an older version of PowerPoint. It just won’t zoom. So to create our first zoom, I’m working on the first line in the normal view, and I’ll click on the insert ribbon menu. And from there, I’m going to choose the dropdown box under the zoom action icon. And this menu will see the three different types of zooms.
One, the summary zoom to the section, zoom and three, the slides zoom. I’m going to select some resume and see the insert some resume menu pop up. As I scroll down this list, we can see that PowerPoint has preselected a set of summary slides as indicated by a checkbox and a shady highlight. Why? Well, this presentation was already broken into sessions and PowerPoint selected the first slide of the sections. If you’re brand new to sections do look for in depth, YouTube tutorial listed above, but we’re going to create some basic sections. In a few moments. I may click the insert command PowerPoint zoom tool creates a brand new slide in the number two position, right after this slide I had originally highlighted and dropped in six thumbnail images of this six sessions live at, had a title to this, and then we’ll check it out in a show.
Our title slide shows up as expected. And then the second slide that was created by the zoom tool. And as I move my mouse over the first thumbnail, you will see not a pointer, but finger indicating that this object is hyperlinked. This is the same on a Mac click. And it takes me to that session with a zoom special transition effect. Now this is not really that special as this really was my next line, but when we get to the end of the session, which has only two slides, the magic of zoom happens as we jump back to the main zoom slide. What this means is that we are no longer tied to the linear timelines for our presentations, as we can jump to any section watch. As I zoom jump to the Microsoft licensing section, this section has forced lines and at the conclusion of the forest line, we zoom jumped back to our main zoom slide with all the hyperlink thumbnails. So I can take my presentation to any section I want in any order I want. And I can even repeat a session if needed. This is totally cool. So let’s go build our own zoom presentation to better understand the three variations listed in the menu.
I have jump-started as with a simple five slides starter project, just text on a white background to make it just a bit more visual for us to track from slide to slide, I’m going to add in some default objects, a placeholder smart object on slide. Number two, a simple generic chart on slide number three, and a generic photo onto slide. Number four. This will become more relevant in a few moments, but do take note that this is just a basic slide deck with no sessions and just five slides, all new zoom, special effects start the same way. Go to the insert ribbon menu, click the dropdown box under the zoom Ashton icon. And you’ll see three choices in our case. Actually, there are only two choices as the section. Zoom is great out. The reason is that our slide deck has no sessions, which unlike our previous presentation, it did have session.
So with no sessions in this slide deck, then this selection zoom is not available for this project. Let’s select summary zoom. Then we have no sections in the slide deck. There are no hints on which slides PowerPoint should automatically. So it’s up to us to choose the slides, the check mark click. This is the only difference from Macko S users as there are no check boxes on the Mac, but instead you need to hold down your command key and select the slides you want to use with the click up insert PowerPoint, zoom tool drops in three thumbnail images of the three slides with special clickable action tied each one. I’m going to go ahead and rearrange them on my slide page. And then let’s launch the slide show to see the magic. Now I can click on any slide to jump to that slide and you’ll see this smooth zoom into the target.
And then back with another smooth transition to the collection of thumbnail zooms that watch the third last thumbnail, when it is done, it just moves to the last line and does not return. We need to understand this behavior, but to really know what’s going on, we need more slides in between our special zoom hotspot thumbnails. So I’m going to quickly create two extra slides. After each of the three thumbnails gave me them unique names for us to track, but basically each collection will have three slides, the title, and two following slides. And if we look at this slide sorter view, we find something that the zoom tool did behind the scenes. When we created the three zoom summary slides, the first time PowerPoint broke our presentation into three new sections, one each for each of the zoom summary slides see the highlighted areas in our tutorial video to see the section headings.
So back to the slideshow mode. And we’re going to see that like before any of the thumbnails is going to take us to that grouping of slides. In this case, there are three slides for each group, and then it’s going to return back to our summary zoom slide. That’s going to work for the group of two and three. Once again, when we go to the third or in this case here, slide number four, our project summary zoom and at the end is going to go to the very last slide and not return to the front. So why did you do that? Well, look closely slide number 12. Our last slide is part of the same section as the slide number four grouping, we need to create a new section just for this slide. Number 12, there are multiple ways to add in a new section.
You could right click between the two thumbnail slides on the left and choose as section or while in the home river menu. You can select the section action icon and then choose as section. Then you name it, note that on the Mac, you name it in place, not the pop-up window as you do here on windows. Now let’s go deep into controlling all the aspects of this zoom tool to uncover those controls. You need to know how to uncover the zoom control context-aware menu. If a zoom object is not selected, the zoom context menu is not displayed by clicking on a zoom optic, and it will pop up. See how we click it shows up and unplug and it disappears. And as we switched from the slice order ribbon menu to the home menu, you’ll see that the zoom context menu also follows along and pops up no matter which of the main menus you’re working from.
So let’s explore the controls by selecting an object and clicking on the menu tool called zoom. Let’s go for the quick win by selecting a zoom style for our windows users. You can just hover your mouse over the various selection choices to get a preview of the change for our Mac friends. There are no previews with a hover, but it’s easy enough just to click and see the results on the canvas. Then we apply one style, one by one to all three hotspot thumbnail slides or some aesthetics. Let me select each of the three thumbnails and resize them as a group by shrinking just one slide and the rest will follow. And I’m going to add a title of my zoom launch title, and then less lost the slide show to test it out. What to pay attention to beyond the new visual enhancements is how the image zooms and rotates into place from the thumbnail hotspot, click, watch the chart, zoom in and rotate.
And then it goes through the individual’s lives and comes back to our main launch title. But there may be times when we do not want the zoom slide transition, which I’ll show in a bit. The controls is just a click away. Once we’re in the zoom context of where menu and there we can click on and off zoom transition slide by slide by slide. Now in this slide show, I click a slide. Number two, just jumps on the page with no’s zooming transition. Here’s an advanced tip with the zoom transition turned on PowerPoint will ignore any of the many transition effects that you might’ve applied to that slide. If you want a different transition other than zoom and turn off the zoom transition and PowerPoint we’ll use whichever manually applied slide transition that you selected. Another control you have. If the zoom transition is turned on is the duration of the transition.
You can change the number of seconds if you want the transition to go more slowly, but if you turn off zoom transition, then the duration box becomes great out. No, let me rearrange these thumbnails on our screen to give this slide a more interesting look, I’m going to click and drag the slides around inside the placeholder and then rotate them one by one by one with the slides show running, take note of how the zooming does a dramatic moving around on the page. It is subtle, but very cinematic now onto more controls, such as reset layout, which will destroy our carefully placed them nails to the original table like alignment, possibly useful. If you add more slides and you want to auto realign, but I’m going to undo that since we’re discussing alignment. Let me point out that the summary zoom setup does create a placeholder boundary, which restricts your ability to move the thumbnail hotspots outside of this boundary.
So to get around that, you need to stretch the edges of the boundary farther out to give you more canvas to work with, um, placing your hotspots. What are the issues we saw earlier has to do with the end of the presentation? If we’re not careful, the last grouping will not return to the zoom slide, but just go to the next slide. And look, if we edit this summary, PowerPoint does not even give us a choice to add the last lie as a selection. The reason is that the edit summary tool will only select the first slide of a session. Let me make this very clear by way of looking at this light’s order view. When you create a slide summary, PowerPoint will automatically insert session groupings for you, which you can always go in after the fact in added more sections by hand and then include them in the zoom tool here, I’m going to add a new section for our last slide.
This can be done multiple ways, look far in depth, YouTube session tutorial. And when I returned back to the normal view and get into the zoom context, aware menu, I can click edit summary, and now our new session is available for us to add. Now with the fourth element, I can move it around, add some enhancements, but quite honestly, I can do better in the formatting department. However, what we’re focusing on is the functionality. And when I go into slideshow mode, our slide grouping number four, we’ll finally return back to the main zoom launching page once it’s completed with this cycle. And we now have the ability in the show with the last light, whenever we wish to click on the final slide hotspot, let’s go back and fix the look of the exit slide thumbnail. Introducing the zoom menu tools, ability to change image by default, it’s the page image, which will automatically update it if we change the target slide later on, but I want to literally change it to a different image for our tutorial.
We’re going to look through the built-in PowerPoint stickers, but you could use any file such as a stop sign. If you so desired. Now I will resize and reposition our stop B and then with the zoom tool, I’m going to go up and change the border by removing it, our followup advanced YouTube technique, tutorial, discusses, how you can use a transparent image to make a clickable invisible hotspot for now let’s replace the white background with a little color so that we can better understand one additional format change. So I will right click outside the layout box, not inside the border to format this light show background to a gradient color of blue, and then apply it to the full set of slides to help differentiate our slides, thumbnail hotspots. We kind of like to talk on or off the background in one of two ways, right?
Click inside the zoom box and toggle zoom background on and off or up to the menu to do the same thing. Watch the inside of the small thumbnails for the background attained with each on and off click. We’ve now seen everything about the summary zoom, but I want to point out that while PowerPoint lists three types of zoom tool commands, there really is just to the summary zoom and the sections of zoom are really the same set of commands. The section zoom choice will be grayed out if there are no sections in the slide deck we’re working with, but once you use a summary zones, we have witnessed PowerPoint automatically creating new sections for us, and once created these to work exactly the same. So let’s tackle the last choice of insert zoom and a new project file. This slide deck is just a workspace for us to show both the classroom quiz example and a business footnote example for the quiz.
I have two test questions with the answers following each slide, basically the inserts lie zoom tool is an ad hoc tool to add one of more slides to hyperlink, jump with all the extra controls that we’ve already worked with earlier. There is no need to use sessions like our first project. You start with the insert ribbon menu, and then you click the down arrow underneath zoom, and here we’re going to choose slide zoom. Unlike the summary and sections zoom. We now see all of the slides to choose from, and we can select one or more to insert Mac users. You would need to use your command. Heat is like more than one slide as there are no check boxes. Since the insert of thumbnail shows our solution. We want to make some changes using the zoom context menu formatting to turn off the zoom transition and more importantly, change the image where I’m going to go into stock images and under icons.
I’m going to search for question to find an appropriate graphic to replace the slide thumbnail. I will also change the second quiz question, but I’m going to show you an alternative second way to insert a slide zoom. And that is by working in the normal slide view. I can then click and drag a target slide from the left side of the screen, onto the canvas and create an instant zoom slide object. And like before I’m gonna change the thumbnail to an inserted icon to show a question, mark, as our placeholder in the slideshow mode, you’re going to see the two different transitions. The first question moves to the answer and does not zoom all the second true and false question does zoom. So you can choose what works for you.
He could be thinking, wait a moment. These slides are in or her, and would just normally follow each other in a normal slide. So, so let’s go to this live sorter view and move the answers to the end of the book by clicking and dragging. The good news is that the zoom action will follow them to the new location, but now we need to go back to the answer’s lies and create a zoom place holder to jump to the next question. And like before you can then go in and change the image to a symbol that will let you proceed on to the following question. Let’s move from the quiz concept to the conference room, footnote example. Here’s the scenario. You have a slide that you’re concerned that the audience might want to ask more information, but you’re not sure if they’re going to ask.
So you’re going to create what I call the footnote slide, basically, hyperlink slide at the end of the presentation that you go to if asked. So I’m going to drag that footnote slide onto my presentation and then life before I’m going to change the image to a clip. No look, but the key is to make sure that we use the zoom context menu to select return to zoom when done that way. After we show the footnote, we can return to the full presentation. And if when we come on this slide, no one seems to care about the footnote. We can ignore clipping the hyperlink and just proceed with our presentation is an extremely versatile technique to create an interactive presentation. So we’ve seen all three zoom tools, which is really just two tools, but your imagination should run wild with all the clever things that you could do.
Let me give you one more cool example in a followup advanced technique tutorial on YouTube. I show you how to create this interactive slide that lets you highlight data sets in any order you want with the zoom tool by clicking hidden hyper link spots. This is basically a one table slide that has seven hidden slides, zoom hotspots to seven different slides. Each hotspot has a returned to zoom turned on so that we can highlight whichever column we want in whatever order we so desire. What could our YouTube notes for the link to this tutorial, welcome to the new world of nonlinear PowerPoint, because you’re now ready to create your own interactive timelines. That questions or tips are requests for more free tutorials. Leave them in the YouTube comments below. And if you found this useful, do like it and share it with your coworkers and friends plus subscribe. And you’ll see more videos like this, including our special interactive tutorials that you saw just moments ago with this preview. If you want to see all of our videos, visit our free PowerUp School at Until next time go power up !