Jump Start Series: Learn How to Run a PowerPoint Slide Show
About this lesson
How Do I Run PowerPoint Slideshows in Presenter Mode?
This tutorial will walk you through the steps of getting your presentation on the screen.
You will not just see how it works, but get coaching of some subtle techniques that we have learned from our decades of experience.
What Will I Learn?
- How to launch Slideshow Presenter Mode (including shortcut keys)
- How to manage multiple monitors or a laptop and a big screen projector/TV
- Navigating your slides with both the mouse, keyboard, or even a Bluetooth remote
- How to use the big screen laser pointer and magnifier
Watch and learn in under 11 minutes.
BONUS: Room Projector Test File
See below for PDF files which is a four-slide PowerPoint room tester slide deck used in this training tutorial.
Topics include (with video timestamps):
- Intro: 0:00
- Windows Shortcut Extend Screen: 1:16
- Swap Presenter View Monitors: 2:28
- Slide Show Navigating Techniques: 2:53
- Bluetooth Remote Control: 3:58
- Blanking the Screen: 4:58
- Tour of Presenter View: 5:38
- Pen & Laser Pointer: 7:02
- Magnifier: 7:50
- Jump to Slide: 8:14
- On-Screen Controls: 8:50
- Wrap Up: 9:08
Subject Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Compatibility All versions of PowerPoint from Office 2013 to current Office 365
Level Foundation
Course Completed Complete
PDF Files There are not any files associated with this lesson.
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Rough Training Video Transcript for “Learn How to Run a PowerPoint Slide Show”
You have created your presentation and you’re about to go on stage and you need help knowing how to run the presentation within PowerPoint.
Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered
This is Les from Power UP Training where my years of experience can become your expertise for free.
In this particular series, we’re gonna walk you through a variety of topics.
I’m gonna explain how to work with a monitor and a projector screen
We’ll also go through how to navigate to the presentation. I’ll talk about some of the keystrokes Mount strokes. And other techniques to keep things under control will also go through a hands-on demonstration of all the aspects of the presentation tools so as you feel comfortable before you go on stage and they’ll be some tricks and some tips along the way so let’s power up to running presentation mode.
Just so you know, this particular training series is being run, guess what in PowerPoint, I do every green screen but we are live going forward, so how do you go from a regular PowerPoint mode into presentation mode, well the trick is to get it up on the projector you hook your laptop or your computer to the projector and then you need to be able to turn on the projection piece and if it’s not automatically being extended out to that presentation monitor, you can use a Windows keyboard trick of the Windows key in the control and the P.
And it’s going to pop up this screen to give you some choices of how to extend your presentation out to the second monitor or the big screen presentation video system, you’re going to want to choose extend you don’t want to duplicate you don’t want to do any of the choices extends gonna create a second screen for your work from.
Once you’ve got that turned on the next trick you need to do before you start your presentation is to figure out where the heck your mouse is because you’re going to have to move from one side to the other in your giant upstream video projection system, maybe on the right side or the left side, it’s helpful to know upfront where that is.
The second thing you may need to do is swap your display once in a while PowerPoint gets confused and what it will do is it’s going to put your presentation on your little laptop screen, when you want it on the big presentation screen for other room simple enough at the very top with the screen you’re going to see that there’s something called a display setting that should then going to be able to swap presenter views and flies show.
I’ll show you that in a moment but before we go too far, let’s get down some of the basics of how to control your presentation, there are some different ways to manage your presentation one. Is. Moving backwards and forwards with the keyboard or with your mouse You’re going to see on the screen and we’ll see this in just a moment that there’s going to be a VCR like I know a VCR like control the little triangles to maybe afford or backwards that you find often in YouTube or other types of video systems there.
You’re going to be able to use that but I find I like using the keyboard the reason I like using a keyboard is I don’t have to look around where things are. I can just move things forward by using the space bar to advance to the next slide. You can also use your arrow keys or up and down.
Lots of different ways to move forward and backwards including the end and home key the home getting to the very beginning your presentation and the end key getting to the very last slide your presentation. And then you can use the letter P to go your previous slide. So lots of techniques, you just need to find ones that you’re comfortable with using up on the stage.
Hey the quick interruption here because I know people are going to ask on the comments below. That’s not how you’re running your presentation and that’s true when I get my classes. I’d like to stick to the tools that are in PowerPoint, but There are other techniques including some Bluetooth tools that’ll actually advance the slide with a click of a button.
These are great because you can then walk around on the stage and not have to be tied to your keyboard your mouse and you can move forward on your slides one by one. Personally, I use the Logitech presentation remote control tool, which I love but I need to warn you this extremely expensive.
It is cool and easy to use and it has looked little tricks like my spotlight mode here and you can see here. I’m using just my little remote to change. The spotlight on the screen. With that let’s go back to our ongoing training video on using Microsoft PowerPoint presenter mode.
A couple keys that I really prefer is the black and white key. If I hit B in here we go, look what it just did. It blank the screen in black. If I hit the W key, it does the same thing it blanks the screen to white. Why would we use these?
If I’m doing a presentation and it turns out a discussion pops up on a completely different topic and I don’t want them to be distracted with what they see. On the screen. I can easily blank the screen out by toggling on and off with you the W or the B key.
So enough talk, let’s go in and see how this is going to work. And switch on over to the presenter view which would typically be displayed on the laptop in front of you. You can see here that we have a giant slide the top left corner. This represents what you’re going to see up on the big screen.
On the right side is a smaller thumbnail which is showing what the next slide will look like so you have a preview of what’s about to show up. If I click the advantage to slide I’m not really advancing the slide. I’m actually advancing to the next bullet point because I have these as they structured bullet points one by one by one but they click.
You can see here this is how I actually swap back and forth between my presentation view and my ash will presented you so if you have a confusion with the way is showing up let’s go down advance the slide and we’ll see the bullet points going forward we’ll see on the right side on the bottom right is where the script would be on the right the preview of the next slide the main screen and then these are some advanced tools for us to be able to use and then down here is the slide controls with the mouse or as we said before you can use your keyboard to move forward you could actually click inside the big slide.
The area to advance or the little slide to advance all of those are hot spots but you cannot click in the other black areas on the screen nothing happens there, so you need to use the advanced at those three different locations, so let’s move on and take a look at some of our extra tools of how to best present we look over on the left side here the first set that I want to point out is the later pointer tool if you really have to highlight because you did not design your slides to be as clear as you wish you could turn this on as you move your mouse only in this hospital.
One area it would show up on the screen once you leave that hot spot it disappears you can switch to the pen view which is not a favorite of mine is one. I can’t draw very clearly and it’s not as bright once again that’s a choice one that I hate worse is the highlighter because the highlighter just doesn’t demonstrate things any fair fashion, it makes things look messy but it’s there note that you can’t move forward until you turn the tool off by going back and clicking on again now you use your mouse to move forward through your slots a tool that I do love is the magnifying tool now at the moment.
This is not showing on the big screen until I get to the spot that I want and but once I click that blows up on this screen and the big screen so everyone’s seen the same thing and then you can drag around the spy to show a variety pieces once again, you’re not going to be able to advance the slides until you turn the magnifier off one of the tools that I want to show you that I do enjoy using is the ability to jump back to the presentation to a different slide spot.
I go down here. I will see all the slides of my presentation at the moment where I’m flight 18. I had to go back to an earlier slide because someone asked something I could just click on it and then run through go back to the giant slide list and go back to my slide 18, so it’s a great way to navigate through your presentation without going left and right with your arrows to bring them back up.
When you’re done you could hit the escape key to go out but I’m going to swatch back and now we’re back in our presentation on the bottom left hand corner. I’m going to show you just a single view you can still control some of those magic tools, they’re just highlighted on the very bond it’s very very faint which you see you can do your slide advances and your other advanced tools such as laser pointer and slide jumper so you should now feel very comfortable using the presentation mode of powerpoint you do want to practice before you get up on the stage.
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Share this with others if you thought it was hopeful and that they would benefit from it and this particular class was just a subset of our master class series is a six-part training series that teach you from the beginning to becoming a PowerPoint power user in under three hours take a look for that playlist showing up here on our screen.
And with that power up.