Tip: ChatGPT Slide Title Makeover For Better Presentations

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ChatGPT for Crafting Slide Titles

In this training video, you’ll learn how to leverage ChatGPT to create compelling slide titles that captivate your audience. The tutorial covers the importance of well-crafted titles over visuals, demonstrating how ChatGPT can assist in brainstorming and refining titles to make them more engaging and precise. The video walks you through five brainstorming sessions, each showcasing different techniques and prompt ideas to enhance your presentation titles, whether you’re using PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides.

The video, led by Les McCarter, emphasizes the need to provide ChatGPT with sufficient context to generate effective titles, highlighting the importance of starting information. It also shows how to tailor titles to your audience and adjust your approach based on the presenter’s role. For example, you’ll see how to adapt titles for entry-level workers versus executive leadership, and how to use ChatGPT to transform a straightforward title into something that sets the right tone for your presentation.

Additionally, Les explores techniques to refine messages and create titles from scratch by describing the slide content to ChatGPT. This method is particularly useful when you’re unsure of how to approach a title. The tutorial demonstrates how ChatGPT can help generate new ideas and refine them to match the intended audience and presentation style. Overall, this training equips you with practical strategies to elevate your slide titles and make your presentations more impactful.


01:28 1) Provide the Right Prompt Context to GPT
06:07 2) Prompt GPT to Target our Audience
10:33 3) GPT to Imitate Your Perspective
13:12 4) Setting the Presentation Tone
15:21 5) Building a Title from Scratch


Subject AI ChatGPT

Software Compatibility All versions of PowerPoint, Google Slides or Keynote


Course Completed

PDF Files There are not any files associated with this lesson.



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ChatGPT for Slide Titles – Transcript

Presentation slide titles are more important than colors or fancy artwork . . .unless any of those visual items are train wrecks, and then nothings going to save you.

A well-composed slide title brings instant interest, precision of message, and possibly a sense of humor or intrigue of what’s to come.

All to grab attention and focus

Chat GPT can be your creative sidekick in crafting precisely the right title. Take your ideas and make them more forceful!

Hi, this is Les from Power Up Training, and I will walk you through five title brainstorming sessions, that will employ advanced techniques in writing powerful Chat prompts that you can borrow to elevate your own presentations no matter if you are using PowerPoint, Apple Keynote or Google slides.

So let’s power up and create effective slide titles with Chat GPT.

Together, we will walk through how to improve the titles of these five slides.

And each example will introduce new techniques and prompt ideas.

Starting with “Provide Enough Context” for Chat GPT to work effectively.

The trick to imaginative use of AI chat bots is to provide the Goldilocks of starting information context . . .not too much or too little but just the right amount.

Here  is our first slide with a way too vague title of GOALS FOR PROJECT.

Let’s fix it.

I am already logged into OpenAi and since I am a paid pro user, I will start with the GPT 4 model, but this will work with older GPT 3.5 and Bing Chat.


The initial GPT command box needs two things: a command or action to perform plus the idea it is to perform the command on.

Examine this precise COMMAND:  I want chat GPT to “rewrite this presentation slide title”

Pay attention to the context: I want the results to be a PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE; not a title for a movie or a title for an email or a title to my brilliant opera: no this is A PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE.

That command is spot on, But this is what’s bad. The fuzzy title of GOALS FOR A PROJECT.

Lets see the results before we analyze why the second part of the prompt is horrible.

“Objectives for the Project Initiatives”

All we got was five words instead of three and neither title tells anything about slide or presentation details . . . I might well just create a worthless title like “Here Are My Topics”

All of these are GARBAGE


I can fix this by providing detailed CONTEXT for GPT to be understand my intent.

Here I am telling the Chat Bot about what the slide is about:

“Change the title to reflect a project about getting funding for a new video conference room where we need to identify the features and the technology plus install, test and train users”

Here are the two prompt components The specific COMMAND prompt: Change the Title

And a detailed description based on our bullet points in the slide.

These results are better.

But way too many words for a presentation slide title.

So I instruct GPT to “use fewer words”

And before we see the results, do take note that GPT is aware of our interaction and so we can  “chatting” and GPT follows along.  Or saying it in others words if we only provide one of the two prompt components of the command action, and make no mention of the subject to perform the action, Chat GPT will assume we me the previous results should be transformed.

And fewer words we get. From 18 words to 8.

But even GPT can get confused like a regular person. It has lost track of the fact that this is about a request to start a project. Your role is to ALWAYS use your superior intelligence to monitor the results and provide corrective commands.

Here is the updated command to redirect GPT’s focus:

“Make this a project request presentation title”

And that is better.  However, I would override GPT and remove the word SUPPORT turn my joint effort final title to: “REQUEST APPROVAL: CONFERENCE ROOM UPGRADE PROJECT”

This is a clear and direct slide title. Straight to the point. A bit dry but extremely clear message.  Later we learn how to spice it up with the AI Robot help.

For our second slide, let’s learn how to FOCUS ON THE AUDIENCE.

Our goal will be to adapt the message to better target our presentation for the audience.

First, I must start a brand-new chat session.  This is critical. Otherwise CHAT GPT might be wrongly influenced by our previous set of instructions.

Here is are good starting prompt with clear command instructions and a specific description of the slide contents “Rewrite this presentation slide title:  “New Benefits for the Company Medical Health Plans”

That is not a bad start, but I want more choices. Many more.

“Give me five more alternative titles”

And now we have a variety to browse; but our new YouTube training  goal is to FOCUS ON THE AUDIENCE, so let try this prompt instruction:

“Rewrite these as if speaking to entry-level workers”

And this is not bad. I could select one or two and use my own human editor to improve for my final selection.

But for a general audience I have a tip with this alternative: rewrite at a high school reading level.

This helps eliminate BIG words and is usually easier to instantly grasp even for a college-educated workforce.

But I want to contrast our entry level results with this variation. where we ask it to rewrite for executive leadership which will change the focus of the words . . . but in my opinion, it does a bit too much “corporate speak” like “elevating Executive Wellness”

However, I choose these two extreme examples to show how to influence the spin that GPT puts on our slides and helps us target the message to meet those that are sitting in the audience in the conference room or the larger auditorium.  Whenever creating slide presentations, you need to always envision hearing the presentation from the point of view of your intended members.

But WORD of WARNING; look closely, GPT has changed our target goal.  Our original slide is all about the new COMPANY health plan, but becuase I told GPT to rewrite for the executive team, it assumed the health plan changes are just for the executives.  Not the whole company.

So you need to be on guard if GPT is changing the meaning.  YOU ARE THE HUMAN and You are both in charge and RESPONSIBLE.  Read and think carefully about all results from the chatbot.

I am going to scroll back up to an earlier suggestion that WAS helpful.

But as usual, CHAT GPT can be too chatty. so I now EDIT the earlier command  and tell the CHAT bot to “use fewer words.”

I will SAVE & SUBMIT . . this is going back up and “rebranching the conversation to get back on track.

And now I have some great choices for my slide title: short, to the Point, and on the correct point.

Personally the three word title #4 of “Enhanced Healthcare Options”  is both positive and accurate for my slide topic.

That would be my choice to drop into the slide.

This last example focused on our target audience; for the next slide, let’s try changing OUR role as the presenter to find out how it impacts the title.

This slide topic is just a bummer.  Our sales plummeted in the 4th quarter.  Just plain bad news

Here is our first attempt to get GPT help

“Rewrite the title slide with 5 alternatives: ” 4th quarter growth dropped by 75%”

Take note that I expanded our command prompt to also include the “with 5 alternatives” to save some steps.

All five are pretty cut and dry.  Kind of just tells the facts with different words.

But let’s pretend we are the sales manager giving the presentation so we tell GPT to “rewrite this as if you are the sales executive” . . the you is referencing CHAT GPT to wear a different hat.  And this will change OUR role as the presenter; not who our intended audience is.

And sure enough it takes on a more up beat message of how we can take the sour lemon message and make sweeter lemonade.  Opportunuty . . . navigating . . . overcoming . . . seizing opportunities . . What a “POSITIVE” way to spin the message and set the TONE  from the title to soften the blow.

Okay let see what happens if we change our role to the finance manager and it becomes more analytical with Analysis . . Managing .. Assessing . . Monitoring.

In your use of these ideas, do combine this tip of telling GPT to pretend to take on a role as the presenter with the previous tip of targeting the audience to get more custom tailored results.

Here is an Example: Write the slide title as if you are the project manager and make it understandable at a high school reading level . . . and then paste in your slide title.

This example marries the Presenter’s perspective with the target audience’s perspective.

Let’s try another technique to further refine the message of SETTING THE TONE.

If you have worked in a larger organization, you have probably been subject to the messy upheaval of a company reorg.  Other than top management, no one likes going through these changes.

So if you are the person to give this dreaded  presentation, you may wish to avoid being attacked as the messenger of bad news.

Setting the tone is important.

Let’s go with this prompt: “Write 5 different presentation slide titles based on: “Corporate Reorganization Under Two Departments: Customer Service & Operations.””

Oops . . sloppy language. GPT focused on creating a slide show with 5 slides. . . let’s fix my mistake with the more precise:  “rewrite this presentation” and the slide title.

Then have it offer up five more variations.

And as always for great titles, ask for fewer words.

Now let’s experiment with tone and mood:

Make it more serious.

Yep . . that is serious and no fancy corporate speak is going to make people feel happy about this change.

Try “LESS serious”  and now . . . okay . . . GPT is just trivializing this significant work environment upheaval.

Let’s try this “make it more forward-thinking,”  trying to be serious but focus on the positive.

This is getting close . . but . . . yeah . . . too many words!

And we have gone from the bland  9 word title to the #2 with five words that adds a the positive “Innovative Restructuring” to try and lessen the blow. but not overly sugarcoat the message.

For our example number 5, let create a title from “nothing.”

Well not quite nothing,

I do have the slide contents but I am not sure how to tackle the slide title.

So instead of providing a starter title, I will describe what the slide is about and ask for a fresh new title ideas.

“Write a PowerPoint slide title about comparing advantages of electric cars versus gas cars”

And of course, I will ask for five more ideas.

Okay we have a wide range of ideas; and we could stop here and decide which is close and then dig deeper; but lets give it our AI Chat robot more context of “Rewrite this if I am giving a college lecture to green initiatives class”

And there . . . we could pursue this line of ideas even more to get our final title to fit our imagined audience and presenter.

But for comparative purposes, let’s have GPT rewrite this as if I am a corporate fleet manager.

And it is a whole different spin, where I could ask for 5 more alternatives and, as always, make it shorter and shorter for a solid slide title.

Which shows that Chat GBT can create a slide title from nothing to something with your help to guide the way.

Do you need more tips and tricks on using Chat-GPT to improve PowerPoint presentations?

Then check out “Elevate PowerPoint with Seven ChatGPT Tips.”

Or if you want to just stay old school, check out “Imagine AWESOME Content for Your PowerPoint!” where you can create slide titles as a combination of clickbait and poetry.

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Until next time, go power up.